Living Stones Academy Pre-School
Living Stones Academy (LSA) has the most unique preschool in Nankang. It may be the smallest preschool in town with the great teacher: student ratio of two teachers to eight students. Our teachers are dedicated to bring out the best in each child and give them a positive learning experience. They sing songs in English and Mandarin, recite Chinese poems and rhymes, and play games using both English and Mandarin. The children learn cognitively; they are consistently encouraged to see, listen, touch, feel, and smell the world around them. Kids love to hunt down the abundant bugs and snails. We regularly take them out to harvest vegetables, which they proudly take home for mom to cook.
We are pleased with our success in addressing the children’s social skills. One very shy and introverted boy can now confidently play with others. At first he was frightened to climb our slide, but can now swoosh down gleefully with others. When others push him, he brushes it off without getting upset. He was scared to ride the balance bike, but now is the first to whiz around at top speed. His parents are delighted with his growing confidence and helpful attitude. Because many children are an only child, they are used to adults gratifying their every desire. We help them to be less self-centered and to discover other people’s needs. They help others to put away toys, share equipment and wait their turn.
Recently, the teacher taught our kids how to help the handicapped. Gloria, our grown LSV girl in a wheelchair as a result of childhood polio, went to their class. After she explained the difficulty of going uphill in the wheelchair, the kids pushed her up our entrance ramp. Our preschool kids are learning that helping others can be fulfilling and fun.